Marta Botía in Man

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Marta Botía

Ha nato a Spagna 15 settembre 1974 (Età: 50 anni)
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Marta Botía Alonso (born 15 September 1974 in Madrid) is a Spanish singer-songwriter. She has a sister named Lidia. Their father is a publicist and their mother is an Iberia director.

She grew up in Lavapiés block, in Madrid. Since she was a child, she showed a great interest in music and in the last course of high-school, she met Marilia Andrés Casares, with whom she created the band Ella baila sola, they split up in 2001.

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Marta Botía in Man [670x1337] [132.91 kb]Marta Botía in Man [853x1237] [137.45 kb]Marta Botía in Man [889x1237] [159.17 kb]Marta Botía in Man [853x1237] [141.95 kb]Marta Botía in Man [846x1237] [145.86 kb]Marta Botía in Man [762x1237] [147.96 kb]Marta Botía in Man [822x1137] [127.64 kb]Marta Botía in Man [783x1287] [155.55 kb]Marta Botía in Man [793x1237] [129.83 kb]Jenny DevoradoraMarta Botía in Man [895x1237] [165.45 kb]Marta Botía in Man [641x1333] [118.09 kb]Marta Botía in Man [582x1637] [162.2 kb]

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