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Lívia Andrade

Né dans Brésil 20 juin 1983 (Age: 41 ans)
Taille totale des photos: 10.95 Mb
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Lívia Regina Sórgia de Andrade (born 20 June 1983) is a Brazilian television presenter, actress, model, dancer, radio personality, and businesswoman.

She gained prominence for her participation in the Programa Silvio Santos from 2008 to 2020. As an actress, she played various roles in the comedy sketch show A Praça é Nossa, starred in the television special 30 Anos de Chaves and telenovelas Corações Feridos and Carrossel.

Plus d'informations sur Wikipedia.

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Il y a 2 vidéos de Lívia Andrade.

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Valorisation: 73%
Durée: 2:48
Valorisation: 74%
Durée: 2:48

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