Xenia Deli in Fhm

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Face of Xenia Deli

Xenia Deli

Born in Moldova October 27, 1989 (Age: 35 years old)
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Xenia Deli (born 27 October 1989) is a Moldovan-American model. She lives in Los Angeles, California. She has been featured on several fashion magazine covers, including Elle, FMD Magazine and Sport Illustrated of South Africa. She also starred in music videos, including "Thinking About You" and Justin Bieber's "What Do You Mean?" in 2015.

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There is 1 video of Xenia Deli.

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Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [128.98 kb]Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [95.75 kb]Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [116 kb]Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [86.07 kb]Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [57.53 kb]Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [103.86 kb]Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [70.19 kb]Xenia Deli in Fhm [800x1063] [66.78 kb]

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