Lauren V Budd pics and videos

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Face of Lauren V Budd

Lauren V Budd

Born in Australia August 15, 1991 (Age: 33 years old)
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Lauren Budd (Also known as Violet Budd) is a British lingerie and swimsuit model. She may be the single hottest model who nobody seems to know anything about. She goes by the alias "Violet Budd" and is managed by Premier Model Management in London, England.

Lauren Budd was born in Australia, but is a citizen and resident of England. She was first discovered while at Madame Tussauds wax museum, when she was posing with a figure of David Beckham, by a model scout. Six months later, at the age of 16, she was introduced by a model friend to Carole White, co-founder of Premier Model Management, and was signed immediately. Budd modeled part time while attending college until she was 18 years old, at which time she left college to pursue modeling on a full-times basis.

Budd has found considerable success as a photo model and has appeared in various print ads and fashion catalogs. She is best known for her work as a lingerie and swimwear model and has worked with La Senza, Frederick's of Hollywood, Marks & Spencer and la vie en rose, among others. Despite her tall height, Budd has not pursued runway modeling and has stated no desire to do so, claiming that she does not possess, nor does she desire, the "thin" body style of runway models. Budd has also stated that she has no desire to be "famous" and expects that her modeling career will end quietly in 4 or 5 years.

Lauren Budd was ranked #14 of 100 Sexiest Lingerie Models in the World list in 2011.

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