Sasha Alexander in Shameless

Watch the nude pics of Sasha Alexander in Shameless

Face of Sasha Alexander

Sasha Alexander

Born in United States of America May 17, 1973 (Age: 51 years old)
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Suzana Drobnjakovic (Serbian Cyrillic: Сузана Дробњаковић; born May 17, 1973), known by her stage name Sasha Alexander, is an American actress and TV director. She played Gretchen Witter on Dawson's Creek and has acted in films including Yes Man (2008) and He's Just Not That Into You (2009). Alexander played Caitlin Todd for the first two seasons of NCIS. From July 2010 through September 2016, Alexander starred as Maura Isles in the TNT series Rizzoli & Isles.

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Showing the pictures of Sasha Alexander in Shameless.

Sasha Alexander in Shameless [1940x1140] [199.29 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless [1940x1139] [173.72 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [248.63 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [274.88 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [274.61 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [236.41 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [174.76 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [348.3 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [290.4 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1938x1140] [323.83 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [209.09 kb]Sasha Alexander in Shameless Nude [1940x1140] [233.12 kb]

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