Sabrina Rojas in Maxim

Watch the nude pics of Sabrina Rojas in Maxim

Face of Sabrina Rojas

Sabrina Rojas

Born in Argentine February 15, 1983 (Age: 42 years old)
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Sabrina Rojas is an Argentine glamour model and Vedette (feature dancer) from Buenos Aires.

She worked at Fox Sports Latin America as presenter in a sport show, and appeared in the Latin American version of Playboy.

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Showing the pictures of Sabrina Rojas in Maxim.

Sabrina Rojas in Maxim [1635x2162] [537.15 kb]Sabrina Rojas in Maxim [3202x2163] [814.92 kb]Sabrina Rojas in Maxim [593x915] [96.69 kb]Sabrina Rojas in Maxim [1587x2161] [532.6 kb]Sabrina Rojas in Maxim [3234x2147] [967.11 kb]Duo de tetonas con Jenny McClainSabrina Rojas in Maxim [1588x1334] [275.04 kb]Sabrina Rojas in Maxim [1548x2162] [481.69 kb]

See all pictures of Sabrina Rojas, total 151

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