Pepa Rus pics and videos

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Pepa Rus

Born in Spain October 6, 1985 (Age: 39 years old)
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Josefa "Pepa" Rus (born 6 October 1985) is a Spanish actress, humorist, and singer known for having played the role of Inmaculada "Macu" Colmenero on the TV series Aída.

In mid–2007, Pepa Rus joined the secondary cast of the series Aída, playing the role of Mauricio's young niece Inmaculada "Macu" Colmenero, in her television debut. Regarding this, Rus commented: "It came to me by surprise. I found out on the bus when I was going to Seville to see my family. I dedicated myself to see all the chapters of 7 vidas and the first seasons of Aida."

Subsequently, from 2008 until the end of the series in 2010, she starred in the role of Berta, a girl recently arrived in the city, in the series Maitena: Estados alterados [es]. In 2010, she made her film debut, playing Pepi in the film La mula [es], where she shared the screen with Mario Casas, María Valverde, and Secun de la Rosa.

In 2015, she joined the series Gym Tony [es], where she played Secundina "Secun" Garcia, a complaining neighbor who lives above the gym and who continually threatens Tony with reporting him. In 2017 she again played Secundina García in the spin-off Gym Tony LC [es].

In theater she has participated in the plays Insolación (2015) and A media luz los tres [es] (2016), by Miguel Mihura.

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