Ona Carbonell pics and videos

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Face of Ona Carbonell

Ona Carbonell

Born in Spain June 5, 1990 (Age: 34 years old)
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Ona Carbonell Ballestero (born 5 June 1990) is a Spanish synchronized swimmer.

Carbonell competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics, where she won the silver medal in the women's duet, with Andrea Fuentes, and a bronze medal in the team event. She competed in the women's duet at the 2016 Summer Olympics, with Gemma Mengual, finishing in fourth place.

During her preparation for the 2020 Summer Olympics, Carbonell gave birth in August 2020. Despite medical advice not to train for six months, Carbonell returned in four weeks and competed at the Olympics, where she came seventh in the team event. A documentary, Starting Over, was made of her grappling with the roles of mother and athlete. In December 2022 she was honored as one of the BBC 100 Women.

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