Olympia Valance in Instyle

Watch the nude pics of Olympia Valance in Instyle

Face of Olympia Valance

Olympia Valance

Born in Australia January 7, 1993 (Age: 32 years old)
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Olympia Montana Valance (born 7 January 1993) is an Australian actress and model, whose roles include Paige Smith in the soap opera Neighbours (2014–2018, 2020, 2022) and Tahlia Woods in Playing for Keeps. For her role as Paige, Valance received a nomination for the Logie Award for Most Popular New Talent.

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Olympia Valance in Instyle [1080x1350] [314.93 kb]Olympia Valance in Instyle [1080x1350] [248.96 kb]Olympia Valance in Instyle [1080x1350] [271.86 kb]

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