Olivia Munn in Bikini

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Face of Olivia Munn

Olivia Munn

Born in United States of America July 3, 1980 (Age: 44 years old)
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Lisa Olivia Munn (born July 3, 1980) is an American actress. After an internship at a news station in Tulsa, she moved to Los Angeles where she began her professional career as a television host for the gaming network G4, primarily on the series Attack of the Show! from 2006 until 2010. Munn appeared as a correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart from 2010 to 2011. As an actress, she became known for her role in Aaron Sorkin's HBO political drama series The Newsroom (2012–2014).

Munn's other acting roles include a recurring role on the television series Beyond the Break (2006—2009) and supporting roles in comedy films Big Stan (2007) and Date Night (2010), and Steven Soderbergh's comedy-drama Magic Mike (2012). She starred in the supernatural horror film Deliver Us from Evil (2014), the comedy Mortdecai (2015), and X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) as Psylocke. In 2017, Munn had a voice role in The Lego Ninjago Movie, and appeared in the History Channel series Six (2017). In 2018, she had a leading role in the science fiction film The Predator.

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Olivia Munn in Bikini [600x449] [31.46 kb]Olivia Munn in Bikini [600x449] [27.36 kb]Olivia Munn in Bikini [600x799] [57.47 kb]Olivia Munn in Bikini [600x449] [26.82 kb]

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