Nuria Roca pics and videos

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Face of Nuria Roca

Nuria Roca

Born in Spain March 23, 1972 (Age: 52 years old)
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Nuria Roca Granell (born 23 March 1972 in Moncada, Valencia) is a Spanish writer, TV presenter, actress, radio announcer and architect.

In 1993 she finished her studies at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia In 1999 she hosted the TV programme ¿Cuánto cuesta?. Between 2003 and 2005 she presented La isla de los famosos on Antena 3 and in 2004 UHF.

In 2017 she started to present the TV program Fantastic Duo in La 1. In December 2017 she returned to Cuatro after being seven years out Mediaset España and she presented the dating show Singles XD. The program was cancelled the same month after thirteen episodes due to the low share.

In September 2018 she became a team member in the Spanish talk show El hormiguero.

More information on Wikipedia.

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