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Mónica Pont in Hablan

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Face of Mónica Pont

Mónica Pont

Born in Spain January 23, 1971 (Age: 54 years old)
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Mónica Pont Chafer (born 3 June 1969 in Bufali, Valencia) is a former long-distance runner from Spain, who won the Rotterdam Marathon on 13 April 1995, clocking 2:30:34. She represented her native country at the 1996 Summer Olympics in the women's marathon race, where she finished in 14th place.

Pont set her personal best (2:27:53) in the classic distance in the 1996 Osaka International Ladies Marathon. Her time from that event was then the second-best Spanish women's marathon time recorded, and it remains the Valencian record. Pont also set the Valencian record for the half-marathon in an event in Barcelona 1996, at 1:12:27, and held it for 22 years until Marta Esteban broke it in 2017.

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Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [552x700] [69.86 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [1179x820] [92.77 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [603x820] [45.76 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [385x700] [25.4 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [433x700] [29.26 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [666x1092] [60.66 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [562x700] [45.48 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [481x600] [41.88 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [762x600] [47.54 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [757x600] [48.37 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [754x600] [43 kb]Mónica Pont in Hablan Nude [758x600] [42.72 kb]

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