Lauren German pics and videos

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Face of Lauren German

Lauren German

Born in United States of America November 29, 1978 (Age: 46 years old)
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Lauren German (born November 29, 1978) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Chloe Decker in the urban fantasy comedy-drama series Lucifer (2016–2021). Her other roles include the romantic drama film A Walk to Remember (2002) and the horror films The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) and Hostel: Part II (2007), as well as Lori Weston in the second season of Hawaii Five-0 (2011–2012) and Leslie Shay on Chicago Fire (2012–2014).

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There is 1 video of Lauren German.

Rating: 84%
Duration: 0:56

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