Kristina Asmus in Maxim

Watch the nude pics of Kristina Asmus in Maxim

Face of Kristina Asmus

Kristina Asmus

Born in Russia April 14, 1988 (Age: 36 years old)
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Kristina Igorevna Asmus (Russian: Кристи́на И́горевна А́смус; born 14 April 1988) is a Russian actress. She is known for her television role in the medical sitcom Interns. She was named the sexiest Russian woman of 2010 by Maxim magazine.

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Showing the pictures of Kristina Asmus in Maxim.

Kristina Asmus in Maxim [600x771] [154.31 kb]Kristina Asmus in Maxim [700x1050] [159.14 kb]Kristina Asmus in Maxim [700x1050] [181.54 kb]Kristina Asmus in Maxim [700x1050] [189.29 kb]Kristina Asmus in Maxim [1000x968] [190.75 kb]Kristina Asmus in Maxim [1000x1330] [434.37 kb]Kristina Asmus in Maxim [1210x1282] [234.09 kb]

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