Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats

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Face of Jehane 'Gigi' Paris

Jehane 'Gigi' Paris

Born in United States of America June 14, 1992 (Age: 32 years old)
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Her fullname is Jehane-Marie Paris and she is often known as GiGi.
She was discovered, and became interested in modeling, at the age of 13 when she was visiting her grandmother in New York City and was asked to participate in a fashion line shoot. Upon returning to Miami, Paris began contacting modeling agencies and was signed by Wilhelmina Models. She has been modeling, as the main face, for Delia's since she was 14 years old. She is represented by Wilhelmina in Miami, New York, and Los Angeles.

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Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats [2560x1707] [1277.79 kb]Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats! Magazine Nude [1707x2560] [963.79 kb]Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats! Magazine Nude [2560x1707] [860.51 kb]Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats! Magazine Nude [1705x2558] [670.07 kb]Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats! Magazine Nude [1569x2230] [493.06 kb]Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats! Magazine Nude [1707x2328] [620.08 kb]Jehane 'Gigi' Paris in Treats! Magazine Nude [1705x2558] [1334.63 kb]

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