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Isabeli Fontana in Maxim

Watch the nude pics of Isabeli Fontana in Maxim

Face of Isabeli Fontana

Isabeli Fontana

Born in Brazil July 4, 1983 (Age: 41 years old)
Total size of pictures: 42.78 Mb
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Isabeli Bergossi Fontana (born 4 July 1983) is a Brazilian fashion model. She is known for her work with brands like Victoria's Secret and has been on the cover of Vogue 58 times. Vogue Paris named her one of the top 30 models of the 2000s decade.

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There is 1 video of Isabeli Fontana.

Rating: 75%
Duration: 1:42

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Showing the pictures of Isabeli Fontana in Maxim.

Isabeli Fontana in Maxim [1228x1591] [368.21 kb]Isabeli Fontana in Maxim [1228x1591] [406.7 kb]Isabeli Fontana in Maxim [1228x1591] [347.32 kb]Isabeli Fontana in Maxim [1228x1591] [365 kb]Isabeli Fontana in Maxim [1228x1591] [337.51 kb]Isabeli Fontana in Maxim [1228x1591] [310.53 kb]Isabeli Fontana in Maxim [992x1300] [168.98 kb]

See all pictures of Isabeli Fontana, total 267

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