Génesis Rodríguez in Bikini

Watch the nude pics of Génesis Rodríguez in Bikini

Face of Génesis Rodríguez

Génesis Rodríguez

Born in United States of America July 29, 1987 (Age: 37 years old)
Total size of pictures: 8.52 Mb
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Génesis Rodríguez Pérez (born July 29, 1987) is an American actress and model. She began her career playing leading roles in the Telemundo telenovelas Prisionera (2004), Dame Chocolate (2007) and Doña Bárbara (2008–2009). She co-starred with Paul Walker in Hours. She also played Sarah on Entourage (2010–2011) and assistant museum curator/adventurer Jane Walker on Time After Time (2017), and has starred in the films Man on a Ledge (2012), Casa de Mi Padre (2012), What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012), The Last Stand (2013), Tusk (2014) and Run All Night (2015). She provided the voice for Honey Lemon in Big Hero 6 (2014), a role she reprises in the TV series (2017).

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There is 1 video of Génesis Rodríguez.

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Génesis Rodríguez in Bikini [432x575] [33.68 kb]

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