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Deborah Secco pics and videos

Enjoy with the best videos and sexy pictures of Deborah Secco nude, naked, topless ...

Face of Deborah Secco

Deborah Secco

Born in Brazil November 26, 1979 (Age: 45 years old)
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Deborah Fialho Secco (born 26 November 1979) is a Brazilian actress. She became known in 1994 as one of the protagonists of the teen series Confissões de Adolescente. On television, she played successful characters such as Íris in Laços de Família, Darlene in Celebridade, Sol in América, Natalie Lamour in Insensato Coração, Karola in Segundo Sol and Alexia Máximo in Salve-se Quem Puder. In cinema, she stood out as Moema in Caramuru - A Invenção do Brasil, Judite in Boa Sorte and the title character in Bruna Surfistinha.

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There are 2 videos of Deborah Secco.

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Rating: 64%
Duration: 0:41

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