Carolina Padrón in Maxim

Watch the nude pics of Carolina Padrón in Maxim

Face of Carolina Padrón

Carolina Padrón

Born in Venezuela March 20, 1983 (Age: 41 years old)
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Carolina Desireé José Padrón Ríos (born March 20, 1983) is a Venezuelan-Mexican sportscaster, journalist and television host currently working for ESPN Deportes and ESPN Mexico. Padrón is the co-anchor of ESPN's Spanish version of SportsCenter and also has covered sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics.

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Carolina Padrón in Maxim [822x1234] [175.59 kb]Carolina Padrón in Maxim [829x1244] [234.26 kb]Carolina Padrón in Maxim [1173x782] [209.82 kb]Carolina Padrón in Maxim [1251x834] [247.49 kb]Carolina Padrón in Maxim [1327x885] [293.79 kb]

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