Carolina Cerezuela in Man

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Face of Carolina Cerezuela

Carolina Cerezuela

Born in Spain January 14, 1980 (Age: 45 years old)
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Carolina Cerezuela Gil (born 14 January 1980 in Elche, Alicante, Spain) is a Spanish actress who became famous playing Mónica Salazar in Camera Café, the Spanish spin-off of Caméra Café.

In 2001, she won the beauty prize Linda of Spain (Spanish: Linda de España). She studied Labour Relations in the Miguel Hernández University of Elche in the province of Alicante. Her acting career began in the theater aged 15, and in spite of never having studied drama, she began to work in television aged 20.

In 2007, she appeared on the cover of the Spanish November edition of FHM.

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Carolina Cerezuela in Man [1081x1530] [231.57 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [2190x1542] [360.2 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [2120x1542] [209.86 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [1015x1530] [115.14 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [1023x1530] [109.94 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [1087x1530] [186.15 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [2277x1544] [252.34 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [1113x1530] [73.43 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [1093x1530] [80.41 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [996x1530] [83.28 kb]Carolina Cerezuela in Man [1146x1530] [93.68 kb]

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