Belén López in Topless

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Face of Belén López

Belén López

Born in Spain March 28, 1970 (Age: 54 years old)
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María de Belén López (born 28 March 1970) better known as Belén López is a Spanish actress. She is best known for appearing in TV series such as Motivos Personales in which she played Maite Valcárcel in 2005; Pelotas (2009–10), in which she portrayed Bea, and Luna, el misterio de Calenda (2012–), in which she currently plays the role of Carola.

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Belén López in Topless [541x704] [47.74 kb]Belén López in Topless [550x423] [40.32 kb]Belén López in Topless [423x550] [35.77 kb]La tetona Jenny McClainBelén López in Topless [423x550] [41.29 kb]Belén López in Topless [423x550] [40.69 kb]La tetona Jenny

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