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Annette O'Toole pics and videos

Enjoy with the best videos and sexy pictures of Annette O'Toole nude, naked, topless ...

Face of Annette O'Toole

Annette O'Toole

Born in United States of America April 1, 1952 (Age: 72 years old)
Total size of pictures: 4.64 Mb
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Annette O'Toole (born Annette Toole; April 1, 1952) is an American actress, singer, and songwriter. She is known for portraying Lisa Bridges in the television series Nash Bridges, adult Beverly Marsh in the 1990 television mini-series adaptation of Stephen King's epic horror novel It, Lana Lang in Superman III, Kathy in the romantic-comedy film Cross My Heart, and Martha Kent (the adoptive mother of Clark Kent) on the television series Smallville.

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