Ana García-Siñeriz in Topless

Watch the nude pics of Ana García-Siñeriz in Topless

Face of Ana García-Siñeriz

Ana García-Siñeriz

Born in Spain July 26, 1965 (Age: 59 years old)
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Ana María Aurora García-Siñeriz Alonso (born 26 July 1965) is a Spanish TV presenter.

She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a master's degree in radio from Radio Nacional de España. She worked in Lo + plus and Magacine in Canal+. She was the presenter, along with Boris Izaguirre, of TV show Channel nº4, which aired on Cuatro from 2005 to 2008. She is married to Gauthier Peyrouzet and has two children: Mateo (b. 1997) and Chloe (b. 2000).

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Ana García-Siñeriz in Topless [611x702] [88.35 kb]Ana García-Siñeriz in Topless [570x588] [54.73 kb]Ana García-Siñeriz in Topless [574x600] [44.94 kb]Ana García-Siñeriz in Topless [656x299] [39.32 kb]

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