Amy Childs in Nuts

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Gesicht von Amy Childs

Amy Childs

Geboren in Vereinigtes Königreich 7. Juni 1990 (Alter: 34 Jahre)
Gesamtgröße der Bilder: 12.42 Mb
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Amy Andrea Childs (born 7 June 1990) is an English model and television personality. In 2010, she appeared in the first two series of the ITV2 reality series The Only Way Is Essex, and subsequently starred in her own reality series It's All About Amy from 2011 to 2012. Childs came in fourth place in the Channel 5 series Celebrity Big Brother 8 in 2011 and, in 2014, she participated in the Channel 4 series The Jump. Childs returned to The Only Way Is Essex in 2020.

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Amy Childs in Nuts [880x1200] [223.6 kb]Amy Childs in Nuts [879x1200] [229.23 kb]

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